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Why golang?

Golang is an excellent choice for building a blockchain due to its readability and widespread use in the field. Its popularity stems from the simplicity of its syntax and the prevalence of libraries commonly employed in blockchain development.

One of Golang's standout features is its speed, a crucial factor when dealing with the intricate operations of a blockchain. This language's efficiency ensures that the blockchain can handle tasks swiftly and responsively.

Moreover, Golang provides the libp2p library, a valuable tool for simplifying the creation of a peer-to-peer network. This library streamlines the process of connecting nodes in a decentralized system, making it easier for developers to establish and maintain a robust network.

Golang's support for parallelism is another asset. Using the 'go' keyword before a function enables easy implementation of parallel and asynchronous operations. This feature enhances the performance of the blockchain by allowing it to execute multiple tasks simultaneously, contributing to a more efficient and responsive system.

  • You can go and install golang from here
  • You can install libp2p from here